Feuerwehrleute in Spezialtextilien
© Dieter Fellmann auf Pixabay

Special textiles

Textile heroes in danger

The German textile industry is a world leader in the development of protective equipment for firefighters, police, rescue services, doctors and nurses. But whether the men and women working for the fire department, the police or in the healthcare sector can continue to be equipped with protective suits that provide them with optimum protection is questionable. This is because the EU Commission wants to ban textiles that are finished with fluorocarbon. Many heroes of our everyday life are in danger!

Textiles in the operating room
© H Shaw on Unsplash

Special textiles in the stress test

Workwear is more important than ever for our everyday heroes in hospitals, nursing homes or rescue services. Every day, several million special textile products are in use in European hospitals. In Germany alone, around 19 million patients are treated every day, 40 percent of whom have to undergo surgery. Numerous highly innovative specialty products are needed, from germ-free surgical clothing to antiseptic surgical blankets and drapes. Without specialty textiles, no hospital in Europe would be able to operate. Read more

Refugee tent camp Turkey
© Anadolu Agency

Textiles help in disaster control

Tents used in disaster control must be durable and capable of being stored under a wide range of climatic conditions. Only robust products can be erected and dismantled quickly, can be disinfected and can be cleaned with simple means. For this purpose, special chemicals are used in the manufacture of the textiles, such as fluorocarbon resins. These meet all requirements and offer the highest protection for helpers and people in need.Read more

© Dieter Fellmann auf Pixabay

Protective textiles save lives

Our highly specialized companies supply protective textiles to the police, customs, the Federal Border Guard, fire departments and the German Armed Forces, as well as to private institutions such as security services or aid organizations such as the German Federal Agency for Technical Relief (THW) in various European countries. The aim is to protect employees in the field. Read more

Filter tubes
© BWF Envirotec

Environmental protection - it doesn't work without special textiles

Filter media for dust separation in industrial processes are needed for numerous important industries; from aluminum to cement production, from waste incineration to power generation, and also in food technology. The requirements for filter media are high. Read more

Sun protection
© Marcel Strauss on unsplash

Energy and climate change - impossible without the use of technical textiles

Sun shading systems prevent rooms from heating up, they avoid the need for energy-intensive cooling, thereby reducing energy consumption and contributing to greater comfort in all weather conditions - thus making a significant contribution to climate protection and the achievement of European climate targets. Read more

© Valter Cirillo auf Pixabay

Safety in sports and under extreme conditions

More than just a hobby: mountaineering, sailing, discovering the world, pushing your personal limits - and all the while relying on well-equipped textiles that keep you dry, prevent frostbite and, in case of doubt, save lives. Read more